The Origin Story of the Global Cheese You’re About to Try

If you want to impress your friends, family and neighbors, it might be helpful to know about cheese. Cheese is the perfect way to add extra flavor to your table at every party. Cheese can be eaten on its own or with other dishes; it is a great addition to salads, breads, and fruit.

People have been using them for a long time for many occasions, from picnics to important meetings. Some of them are reserved for royal use only.This can be a snack on many occasions, even while playing online video slots.

So, if you’re as curious about cheese as we are, this article is for you.

Cheese: When did it appear in history?

cheese for its flavor and essential nutrients, such as lipids, nutrients, minerals and vitamins. We now know that people in our society consume them regularly. For competitive sports like soccer or even colder online casino games, eating a piece of cheese is the ultimate trick to becoming active, and, shall we assume, happier. Of course, if you’re not lactose intolerant or have to run 100 miles in the high country!

But where does it start?

There are many theories about the history of this food. Many believe it comes from the Middle East. They started producing cheese 8,000 to 10,000 years ago. At first, it was made from goat’s milk and later from cow’s milk.

Other theories claim it came from the Mesopotamian temple of Ninhursag, the goddess of life.

There are whispers that it comes from the Greeks. The gods of Olympus, they say, imparted the art of cheesemaking to mankind as a divine gift.

We know that the world’s first cheese factory was in Switzerland in 1815. And in 1851, cheese production arrived in the United States.

Where does the word “cheese” come from?

The word cheese comes from the Latin word “Caseus”. This means “lack of whey”.

But did you know there’s a word for cheese lovers? It’s called a turophile. It is a Greek word derived from the words Tyros (cheese) and Philos (love).

cheese is gold

There is a jewel cheese in England: “White Stilton Gold”.

This is a special edition white Stilton that is only produced on special days such as Christmas.

In this cheese you can find edible pieces of gold. It is known as the “King of Cheese”.

What is the perfect cheese milk?

The perfect cheese milk is one that complements its taste and texture. You can make cheese from cows, goats, sheep, donkeys, buffalo, and even elk.

In Sweden, for example, they make a unique cheese from elk milk that is milked for over two hours at a time.

cheese to pair with wine

The perfect cheese and wine pairing is like a match made in heaven. There are two basic rules to follow:

  1. The whiter and fresher the cheese, the fruitier and smoother the wine should be.
  2. The darker and harder the cheese, the stronger the wine should be.

So what do you do if you want a glass of wine?

Try these pairings:

  • Cheeses like Brie or Camembert go well with Sauvignon Blanc or Chardonnay.
  • Manchego cheese goes perfectly with Cabernet Sauvignon.
  • Cheddar cheese pairs perfectly with fruity wines.
  • Italian provolone is an ideal pairing with Cabernet Sauvignon.
  • Gouda cheese goes perfectly with Merlot.

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