Seven natural active ingredients (combined in one!) to fade facial blemishes in 28 days


The skin of our face fights, daily, against external factors that want to leave a mark that none of us want. On the one hand, against pollution, which causes premature aging. On the other, against the sun or the hormonal changes, which can lead to the appearance of spots. Of course, we can join forces in this battle if we bet on Appropriate cosmetics that help us prevent them. In this sense, sun cream should be part of our daily routine beyond the summer. Although it is during this season when we are aware of its importance, the rest of the year it is the ally against the effects of UVA rays, but it also prevents the harmful effects of blue light emitted by screens from being greater.

Thanks to its texture, only a couple of pulsations are needed to cleanse the face and neck.

But, Why do these skin spots occur? The factors that we have previously discussed (sun, pollution…) make the cells responsible for spreading melanin throughout the body produce more in certain areas. Therefore, in addition to preventing this from happening, we must treat those that have already appeared. And at 20deCompras we have the cosmetic you need for both functions: the Lotus Radiance Dark Spot, a depigmenting facial cream suitable for sensitive skin that has recently arrived in the Freshly Cosmetics catalogue. Its effectiveness lies in combining seven natural active ingredients in a single product: vitamin C, azelaic acid, lactic acid, cystoseira algae, langsat active, Mexican arnica, white pine, and rhodella violacea.

Lotus Radiance Dark Spot.
Lotus Radiance Dark Spot.
Freshly Cosmetics

Lotus Radiance Dark Spot, what is it?

The success of this treatment lies in a thought-out 99% natural formula in which they combine seven active ingredients capable of “selectively degrade melanin to reduce existing dark spots and improve the global functioning of melanocytes to prevent the appearance of new pigmentations”. After 28 days, as explained by Freshly, the first results begin to be visible, achieving a decrease of up to 21% of the intensity of the spots in less than two months.

How to apply the new cream

  • shake the product before use to homogenize the natural ingredients well.
  • Apply one or two puffs of product Gently all over the face and moving from the inside out until completely absorbed.
  • continue with your regular moisturizing routineboth in the morning and at night.

From Freshly, as usual, they add to the instructions for use (thank you for always teaching us how to apply each cosmetic properly!), some tips very useful to enhance its use, such as the importance of apply the treatment all over the face and not only in the area of ​​localized spots to prevent their appearance as well as reduce existing ones. Also the importance of combining it with a sunscreen if you are going to be exposed to the sun to protect your skin from UV rays.

And this last tip, for Freshly addicts, if you already have at home the Blue Radiance Enzymatic or you don’t mind buying it, you have to add its effect to that of the Lotus Radiance, yes, the latter apply it in your daily routine and the first, at night.

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