What happens when your back is broken?Risks and Benefits

You’re familiar with that stubborn tension and discomfort in your back—and you’ll probably do anything to get rid of it. Trying to adjust the back yourself may be an obvious solution, but it’s not the best one. You know what happens when you break your back?

If you don’t know what the potential risks are, stay put. This article will try to explain why it’s better to see your chiropractor the next time this happens than to fight it out yourself.

What happens when your back is broken?

break your back

Image source: Pinterest

You’ve probably never wondered what it’s like to have your back crackle as it adjusts itself. If so, this is the function of reverse cracking.

One theory is that readjusting any joint releases gas. If you’re now confused about what this gas might be, it’s time to take an anatomy lesson. The area you think of as your back is filled with vertebrae — the small bones that form your spine — and the small joints that sit between them. When you fracture your back, you stretch these joints, which contain what’s called synovial fluid.

As you move, the fluid moves around and also relieves pressure on your other back joints and muscles. The movement of the fluid causes gas to build up inside and make those cracking or popping sounds. This strange phenomenon is known as cavitation or boiling.

Another theory also revolves around the accumulation of gas in the joints. But this time, it’s all about the oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide that you eventually release when you pop a tense joint.

What are the benefits of a sprained back?

Benefits of a sprained back

Image source: Pinterest

When it comes to the positive side effects of boobs, you’re probably already familiar with them. For starters, back joint cracking can provide immediate relief from discomfort and pain. Plus, the joints can self-adjust when needed, no matter where you are.

After all, you’re always ready to release some endorphins. Yes, bending your back helps release those chemicals that work to control pain. At the same time, these neurotransmitters also bring about the immediate euphoria, which is what you were looking for in the first place. Still, these benefits of back bending don’t mean you should adopt the technique—here’s why.

What are the risks of a broken back?

All magic has a price, and so does popping the joints in your back on your own. No matter how good it feels, doing things yourself may cause you more problems than solutions. The truth is, doing it occasionally isn’t all that harmful. But this frequent self-adjustment can seriously damage your health.

You could accidentally stretch the ligaments around your spine, which causes your joints to move more. As a result, your entire body will be supported by an unstable structure, which can lead to further injury.

For this reason, you might want to see a chiropractor the next time you feel tension in your back. You’ll be able to hear the same crackling sound, but the person adjusting your back will know which joints to move or align.

Featured Image Credit: Pinterest.com

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