Does your hair grow more if you cut the ends? Myths and tips for healthy hair

One of the objectives of many women in regards to aesthetics is to achieve a healthy, shiny and beautiful hair. Regardless of the type of cut, color or hairstyle, they all agree on the importance of looking good and staying strong over time. To achieve this, there are many hair products and cosmetics that we can acquire in the market, but the truth is that sometimes it is enough to follow the advice of professionals and comply with a series of keys.

Haircuts for fine hair

These guidelines go through visit the hair salon more frequently, wash the hair in a certain way or be careful with the use of the iron and the dryer. Although they are unwritten rules that we all know (or should), around hair care there are also many myths that should be dismantled by an expert to try to take care and maintain the mane in the best way possible.

Does cutting the tips stimulate growth?

Over time, much has been said about the benefits of cut the ends in relation to hair growth. Nothing is further from reality. It is true that split ends mean a greater tendency to break and, therefore, it may seem that it does not grow. But the growth in the root remains the same and what should be focused on is the hydration and care of these ends, since it is the part of the hair that is most frequently damaged: it is the most exposed area, as well as the oldest part of the hair.

“Cutting the ends and growth have nothing to do with it. It’s just a myth. For hair to grow in a healthy way, the most important thing is that blood flow correctly reaches the hair follicle, providing it with oxygen and nutrients. For this, they are very useful specific care of the scalp”, explains José García, director of José García Peluqueros.

Is it mandatory to cut the ends? How often?

Margot Robbie with bottleneck bangs
Margot Robbie boasts blonde hair with bangs.
Instagram / @margotrobbieofficial

Hair grows from the roots, on the scalp, so the fact of cutting the ends does not influence in any way. Yes, it is true that, by doing so, we eliminate the part of the hair that is more worn and fragile, making the fiber appear thicker and stronger. That’s why, it is advisable to clean them“adds Jose Garcia.

Taking this into account, what is recommended for those who want to end split ends is cut every two or three months. Although this will depend, to a large extent, on whether the hair is natural or dyed, has undergone chemical treatments or frequently suffers from the heat of the hairdryer or iron.

So we can take care of the ends before cutting them

“To keep hair healthy and it is not necessary to cut the ends, we must provide plenty of hydration since it is the driest part of the mane. It is also advisable to avoid the excessive use of heat tools, as well as the application of aggressive products and treatments, to prevent the fiber from opening and breaking. In addition, there are specific treatments for endswhich help to seal them”, affirms Charo García, director of Ilitia Beauty & Science.

These treatments that our consulted expert talks about are based on serums or hair oils that provide that extra hydration that this area of ​​the hair needs and that, in general, we should not apply to the roots. In addition, there are shampoos, conditioners and masks that treat split ends more specifically.

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Keys and tips to keep hair healthy

Before resorting to scissors, there is a series of habits that you can incorporate into your hair care routine so you don’t have to cut your losses and your hair looks strong, hydrated and very shiny. As Charo García, director of Ilitia Beauty & Science, points out:

  • We must use specific products for our hair, taking into account both its shape and your specific needs.
  • In addition, we will look for them to be based on natural ingredients so they don’t irritate the scalp.
  • In any case, we will provide the mane hydration and nutrition (with conditioner, oil, serum…), as well as thermal and sun protection, especially in the hottest months of the year.
  • I recommend gently brush the hair day and night, to stimulate blood circulation and eliminate dead cells and other waste.

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