This is the perfect beauty routine (and 99.9% natural!) to treat rosacea and improve its appearance in 30 days


Although we feel unfortunate for being the only ones who suffer from it, rosacea It is a very common skin condition that affects one in ten people. Bad eating habits, drastic temperature changes, the continued use of masks and stress are among the factors that provoke its appearance and, no, none of us are safe from being able to suffer it throughout our lives. Therefore, it is convenient to be attentive to the most common symptoms, such as facial redness, the appearance of couperose or acne-like bumps; all accompanied by a constant feeling of tightness and dryness. And there is no better attack than early diagnosis and treatment.

vitamin C, azelaic and lactic acid are some of its main ingredients.

In addition to visit a dermatologist to diagnose and check if we have rosaceaIt is important to be strict with our facial routine: we must seek to have very well hydrated skin but avoiding excess sebum; that relieve redness and inflammation without generating sudden temperature changes; and avoid reaching for possible pimplesBecause, even if we don’t want to convince ourselves, there is nothing to remove and, furthermore, improper handling can multiply the outbreaks.

We know that combining all these orders in an easy pattern is overwhelming, but there are always experts who can do it for us, such as Freshly Cosmeticswhere they have a package of only three products intended for the treatment of rosacea so that in 30 days we can see how redness decreases and in 60 how it happens with couperose. Do you know him?

Freshly's 'pack' to treat and prevent rosacea.
Freshly’s ‘pack’ to treat and prevent rosacea.
Freshly Cosmetics

These three products will help you soothe and reduce inflammation of your skin Thanks to ingredients such as saffron flower and Mexican agastache, these ingredients will make you notice an improvement in microcirculation and will reduce the permeability of the capillaries responsible for couperosis so that you can feel calm and unified skin in the most natural way possible. .

How to treat rosacea in three steps

Wash face morning and night with Rose Quartz Facial Cleanser. This cleansing gel has a 99.9% natural formula that has earned it one of the long-awaited beauty Oscars, the Beauty Shortlist Awards, and success among the users who try it. It is a non-irritating natural alternative that allows deep cleaning, control sebaceous secretion and reduce open pores without tightness or dryness, two fundamental requirements among skin with rosacea.

A targeted treatment for reactive skin with Azelaic Radiance. Whoever tries it, never forgets its name: this cosmetic with a serum-like texture combines 100% powerful ingredients to prevent and reduce the signs of acne. But also redness and couperosis typical of rosacea: it reduces skin redness by more than 20% in 30 days and reduces the length of blood vessels by 15% in 60 days.

Soothe and hydrate with Bloom Orchid. This cream will provide comfort and hydration to your skin from the first application, reducing sensitivity, dryness and the effect of free radicals for 24 hours, counteracting oxidative damage and reducing redness and inflammation. In fact, increases facial hydration up to 115%something essential in skins with rosacea, as they tend to tighten and dry.

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