Dull skin has a reason: it’s called a lack of vitamin D and this is how you can help control it


We have to admit it: we love spending hours in the sun. Not only on the beach or during the holidays, since a coffee after eating on a terrace with a lot of light cannot make you feel better, whether we are talking about our mood or about our body. And it is that the star king gives us vitamin D, a nutrient that promotes healthy bones, muscles, the nervous system and even the skin. Although we can also find it in certain foods such as fatty fish, eggs or dairy products, a daily exposure to the sun (always with protection) is highly recommended to avoid conditions that can cause a low level of presence in our body.

Vitamin C is perfect for giving light to the face.

In Spain, we are lucky to enjoy long periods (and hours!) of sunshine, and yet we are one of the countries with the highest vitamin D deficiency. This can cause, in addition to a lack of light and hydration, conditions such as psoriasis, vitiligo, atopic dermatitis, rosacea, acne and other skin conditions that force us to include specific treatments in our daily routine to tackle them. To avoid them and try to reinforce their synthesis, we can complement the intake of foods rich in this nutrient with a cosmetic that contributes to it topical route that allows us to reach the recommended dose of between 40 ng/ml and 60 ng/ml.

He Vitamin D Skin Booster, from Freshly Cosmetics, has been specifically formulated for this. This cosmetic, which is used in combination with others in the daily routine, helps increase the presence of this nutrient in the skin, in addition to providing luminosity and elasticity and protecting it from free radicals thanks to its antioxidant power. Of course, this product is a complement to an adequate diet and responsible sun exposure, and in no case should it replace any of the above.

Being a 'booster', it is designed to enhance other cosmetics, such as creams and serums.
Being a ‘booster’, it is designed to enhance other cosmetics, such as creams and serums.
Freshly Cosmetics

The Vitamin D Skin Booster is not just any cosmetic: it is a booster and, as such, it must be applied properly. For those who are not familiar with this term, it is a product that we can mix with any facial or body product that, in this case, It will help us to increase the synthesis of endogenous Vitamin D and thus combat its deficiency. In fact, according to data from Freshly Cosmetics, “vitamin D in the epidermis increases by +77% without sun exposure and by +119% with controlled sun exposure and having applied SPF 50 sun cream.” In addition, its frequent use helps protect the skin from free radicals thanks to its antioxidant power, provides luminosity, smoothness and elasticity to the skin and reduces inflammatory processes and improves psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, rosacea, acne and vitiligo. Of course, all this if it is applied properly and always following the manufacturer’s instructions.

This is how the Vitamin D Skin Booster is applied

As specified by Freshly Cosmetics, this product is suitable for combining with any other (of the brand or the one we have at home) without fear that they may react and pass some kind of bill to our skin. A guarantee of success that also facilitates its use and enhances the adherence of the user… as long as we apply it properly and following brand guidelines to ensure that the expected results are obtained.

For starters, both in the morning and night routineyou have to mix the booster with the facial or body cosmetic that we want (we recommend doing it with the moisturizer!) to facilitate its application and to spread it throughout all areas. The best thing is to use the back of your hand as a palette: thus, you must first place the amount of the densest product and then add the vitamin D with the pipette (one drop for the face and the entire measure for the body) and massage to homogenize the mixture and heat it. Ready the combination, extend with soft massages until absorbed.

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