The art of ‘Cut crease’: the makeup technique that lifts the drooping eyelid and enlarges your eyes


There are times when the secret of getting makeup right lies simply in following a technique that matches our type of face. For example, there are many people who, with age or fatigue, suffer from one of the most common facial problems: the droopy eyelid, one of the most visible consequences of the passage of time on our face, along with the bags under the eyes. Therefore, if we do not match the tones and shapes of our makeup, we can show a tired or sad image. So the trick to hide this consequence irremediable can be found in a good makeup technique, like the cut created viral now on social media.

Success is in the combination of facial masks.

Cutting the fold is the literal translation into Spanish, and that is, the technique aims to separate the upper part of the eyelid by tracing that fold so that the eyelid looks bigger and, therefore, the eyes. For this you only need dark or matte shadows to outline the cleavage and blend the upper part with that tone and others clearer and more luminous at the bottom.

To give you an idea

This type of makeup achieves an optical effect and covers the imperfections of our eyelids. And, as we have mentioned, what you have to do is mark the fold that divides the eye with a dark or matte tone. In the upper strip we will blur that dark color and the lower area (and the central part of the eyelid!) is free to apply a lighter shade. If you want to know how to carry out this technique correctly and what are the best shades to do itfrom 20deShopping and Primor we help you step by step. But, she remembers, there are only three important ones: choosing a dark shade, followed by a lighter one, and marking the outline with a good eyeliner and a mascara that enhances your look.

-To make sense of the cut of the eyelid fold that we simulate with makeup, we must use a dark shadow. For this, it is recommended brown, gray or black tones like these from Wet N Wild that shine and can be used to simulate the fold and make the cut perfectly.

The most successful dark tones!
The most successful dark tones!

-Later, a lighter one in the central and lower area of ​​the eye (don’t forget the tear duct!). Do you know the Mina signature cream shadows? They are ideal for playing with tones and the light ones are great for this technique.

Cream shadow!
Cream shadow!

All the color variations you want

-Finally, don’t forget to complete this technique with a good eyeliner. And those of the moment are those of the Spanish firm Krash Kosmetics.

In seven different colors!
In seven different colors!

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